Expiring Monthly October 2010 Issue Recap
Just a quick reminder that the October issue of Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal was published today and is available for subscribers to download.
This month I authored two pieces that I think readers might find particularly interesting. The first is the monthly feature, Fear and Loathing in October, which examines seasonality from an anecdotal, statistical and a behavioral finance perspective and puts the September through January period under the analytical microscope. Also of interest is the third and final installment in my series on the VIX futures term structure. VIX Futures: Putting Ideas into Action takes a six-part framework for analyzing VIX futures and discusses some of the implications for trading VIX options and VIX ETNs such as VXX.
I have reproduced a copy of the Table of Contents for the October issue below for those who may be interested in learning more about the magazine. Subscription information and additional details about the magazine are available at http://www.expiringmonthly.com/.
Related posts:
- Expiring Monthly September 2010 Issue Recap
- Expiring Monthly August 2010 Issue Recap
- Expiring Monthly July 2010 Issue Recap
- Expiring Monthly June 2010 Issue Recap
- Expiring Monthly May 2010 Issue Recap
- The Education of a Trader (from the May 2010 issue)
- Content Update
- Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal Launches Today