Monday, December 31, 2012

Top Posts of 2012

Every year I tabulate the most-read posts in this space as I find this exercise to be an excellent way to identify the issues that readers are interested in and also to see how these issues evolve over time. These most-read posts also serve as easily accessible repositories of high-quality material for the benefit of new readers and long-term readers alike.

While 2012 was a slow year for the VIX (the first time the VIX didn’t make it into the 30s since 2007), it proved to be an exciting time for the broader volatility products space. Looking just at the titles of the top 25 posts below, an astonishing 9 of them reference TVIX or UVXY in the title, reflecting strong reader interest in the +2x volatility products that I called “day trading rocket fuel” back in January 2011.

The posts below represent those that have been read by the highest number of unique readers in 2012. Farther down there are links to similar lists going back to 2008, along with several other “best of” type posts that I have flagged for archival purposes.  Don’t necessarily start at the top and work your way down until you get bored.  For the record, I think #25, Volatility During Crises is one of the top two posts of the year.  I’m not sure about #1, but Cheating with Partial Hedges, which didn’t even make this top 25 list, also has to be considered a strong candidate.

Last but not least, each year I also attach the hall of fame label to a handful of posts that I believe have particularly compelling and/or original content, regardless of readership.

Happy New Year!

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Disclosure(s): short UVXY at time of writing

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