Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Successful Launch for SVIX and UVIX

Today was the first launch of a VIX ETP in six years, at least by my count.  It appears to be worth the wait, as SVIX (Volatility Shares -1x Short VIX Futures ETF) had very robust volume, with 380,385 shares handily topping the 215,700 shares VXX traded in its debut back on January 30, 2009.  UVIX (Volatility Shares 2x Long VIX Futures ETF) just missed the VXX debut mark with 213,688 shares traded.

As an added bonus, I understand that options are scheduled to begin trading on both SVIX and UVIX tomorrow.

I previously opined, in UVIX and SVIX Join the VIX-Based ETP Landscape, on how I believe the superior product design and daily rebalancing methodology for SVIX and UVIX have the potential to make these the top two products in the VIX ETP space.  That said, it is still early days and when it comes to VIX ETPs, big surprises often lurk just around the corner.

[source(s):  Yahoo]

Further Reading:
UVIX and SVIX Join the VIX-Based ETP Landscape
First Day of Trading in VXX and VXZ a Success

For those who may be interested, you can always follow me on Twitter at @VIXandMore

Disclosure(s): net short VXX and long SVIX at time of writing

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