Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Expiring Monthly May Issue Recap

Just a quick note to confirm that on Monday marked the publication of the May issue of Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal.

I have attached a copy of the Table of Contents for the May issue below. The cover story for this issue was written by Mark Wolfinger and focuses on the CBOE benchmark indices for buy-write (covered call) put-write and collar strategies. In my opinion, these three options strategies are attractive ways for investors who seek to outperform the broad-based indices in declining, sideways and slightly bullish markets – which is not a bad description of the market activity we have been seeing lately. In the case of collars, one can also have complete protection against market crashes and fund this approach entirely by selling calls.

For the current issue, I contributed a feature article on ETFs and micro benchmarking (the art of finding a very narrow slice of the investment universe as an appropriate gauge of portfolio performance) as well as my recurring column, Charting the Market, which makes heavy use of options data. In addition to the introductory Editor’s Note, I also penned the Back Page commentary, which puts my personal slant on the process of educating a trader.

Additional details about the magazine are available at

Note that next week I will be inviting reader submissions for the Chart of the Week and will award an annual subscription to my favorite submission.

For more on related subjects, readers are encouraged to check out:

[source: Expiring Monthly]

Disclosure(s): I am one of the founders and owners of Expiring Monthly

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