Thursday, February 25, 2010

Top Submission for Chart of the Week Wins One Free Year of Expiring Monthly

Since I launched the chart of the week feature in November 2008 (I guess it was a quiet month and I had nothing else to do…) I have elected to create most of the graphics myself and pluck a few from out of the public domain.

This week I’d like to try a different approach and get input from readers. To make it more interesting, in addition to publishing a reader submission as the official VIX and More chart of the week on Sunday, I will award a free one year subscription to Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal to the winner.

Readers can submit a chart of the week entry in the comments section of this post or by emailing me directly at bill.luby[at]

I will select one winner in my own idiosyncratic and arbitrary manner, but will give strong preference to graphics that are topical, creative and fresh. Humor (I recall that Roubini and the VIX was a big hit) is also encouraged. In terms of subject matter, I am open to anything that is at least loosely associated with investing and economics. There are no other rules, per se, except that I would ask all submissions to confirm who the author of the material is and be submitted no later than 12:00 noon PST on Sunday, February 28th.

As far as the magazine is concerned, the inaugural edition of Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal will be published on Monday, March 22nd, with subsequent editions to follow on each Monday after options expiration. Additionally, the current pre-launch promotion of 20% off the annual subscription price will be available for only three more days. Subscribe at any time through February 28th, 2010 and receive one full year of Expiring Monthly at the discounted rate of $79.

Subscribe here, or to learn more, visit

For more on related subjects, readers are encouraged to check out:

Disclosures: I am one of the founders and owners of Expiring Monthly

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