Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chart of the Week Contest: Win One Free Year of Expiring Monthly

I had so much fun with the first reader submission edition of the chart of the week back in February that I have decided to make the contest a recurring feature on the blog. So this Sunday, I will be publishing a reader submission as the official VIX and More chart of the week. As a further enticement, I will also award a free one year subscription to Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal to the winner.

I do my best to keep the “rules” at a minimum for this endeavor, but for the record:

I will select one winner in my own idiosyncratic and arbitrary manner, but will give strong preference to ideas and graphics that are insightful, topical, creative and fresh. Extra points will also be given to provocative and/or humorous submissions. In terms of subject matter, I am open to anything that is at least loosely associated with investing and economics. Back in February, the majority of the submissions were related to the VIX, but given all the interesting developments in the markets in the last month or so, I would hope to see charts covering a broad range of ideas. All graphics should be submitted no later than 6:00 PT on Sunday, June 6th.

Readers can submit a chart of the week entry in the comments section of this post or by emailing me directly at bill.luby[at]

The last time around, Amir from Las Vegas took top honors and won the free subscription. His winning chart is below. Since there was a strong clamor to see some of the other entries, I subsequently published three charts with an honorable mention designation. All four charts are linked below:

For more on related subjects, readers are encouraged to check out:

Disclosure(s): I am one of the founders and owners of Expiring Monthly

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