Monday, January 7, 2008

One Year Blogiversary!

Today marks exactly one year since I decided to launch VIX and More as a place to archive some of my thinking on volatility and the markets.

There have been times when I would have been better served to spend additional time and energy to do more research, analysis, system development, etc., but on balance, having a blog has been more fun than work and the exchange of ideas via comments and e-mail has had a positive impact on my trading.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this site by reading, commenting, and linking to some of what I have had to say. Particular thanks to those blogs who have sent the most traffic my way:

What have readers found most compelling on this site over the course of the past year? Of the 422 posts that 117,000+ unique visitors have had a chance to review during my first year, here are the top 25 most read posts:

  1. A Sentiment Primer (Long)
  2. Correlation Ideation
  3. How to Find the Spiker Before the Earnings Announcement
  4. BuyWrite Index as a Timing Tool?
  5. Commercials Get Long the VIX in a Big Way
  6. High Positive Correlation Between VIX and SPX Often Signals Market Weakness
  7. When to Short China?
  8. A Baker’s Dozen of Favorite Indicators
  9. Waiting for Godot
  10. A Dozen Things My Trading Accounts Are Thankful For This Year
  11. What My Dog Can Tell Us About Volatility
  12. Implied Volatility and Earnings Spikers
  13. Drilling Down on Sector Performance
  14. Brian Overby on Trading VIX Options
  15. First Annual VIX and More Blog Disclaimer Awards
  16. The McClellan Summation Index
  17. Thinking About the VXV
  18. The Incredible Shrinking VIX
  19. Using the VIX as a Timing Tool for the SPY
  20. VIX Price Movement Around FOMC Meetings
  21. A Challenge to Two Things You Think You Know About the VIX
  22. VIX March OTM Calls
  23. What’s in the FXI?
  24. The Promethian Trader
  25. Greenspan and the China Bubble


  1. Congrats to you, my dear friend!

    Keep up the good work you do over here. It is very much appreciated!


  2. I would be happy to send more as you do an excellent job! Keep up the great work in '08!
