Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brett Steenbarger’s TraderFeed Archives

In the four years or so I have been using blogs as one of my core investment resources, only a handful of these blogs have consistently offered up high quality information and analysis. At the top of that list is probably Dr. Brett Steenbarger’s TraderFeed, which has specialized in trader psychology, where it has been the destination blog for this subject since its launch. Unfortunately, TraderFeed will no longer see any new posts, as Dr. Brett has made a career change which has resulted in the a cessation of new material on the blog. Fortunately, however, TraderFeed will live on as an archive of some 3700+ posts.

As far as I am concerned, what set TraderFeed apart was the interweaving of psychology, market sentiment, technical analysis and related subjects, deftly researched and written, all tied together with a fountain of original ideas. Back in the days when I used to periodically assemble my linkfest posts, it seemed almost impossible to cherry pick from the best of the blogosphere without including at least one post from Dr. Brett, as the links below can attest to.

The archives notwithstanding, the end of TraderFeed leaves a large hole in the blogging world. I have enjoyed others who have written extensively on trader psychology, including Denise Shull at Trader Psyches, but the departure of TraderFeed also provides me with an excuse to work more of my thinking about trader psychology into this blog. So whereas I still have many thousands of posts on the VIX and volatility kicking around in my head, I will also consider this development as an opportunity to explore some of the “…and More” side of this blog.

Finally, as luck would have it, Expiring Monthly had a feature interview with Brett Steenbarger just before the decision was made to put TraderFeed on hold. Look for Mark Wolfinger's conversation with Brett in the May edition of Expiring Monthly, which will be published on the Monday following the current options expiration cycle, May 24.

For more on related subjects, readers are encouraged to check out:

Disclosure(s): I am one of the founders and owners of Expiring Monthly

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