Monday, December 29, 2008

ISEE Equity Call to Put Ratio at Highest Level in 16 Weeks

The ISEE equity call to put ratio hit a 16 week high of 189 on Friday, as investors showed a strong preference for calls over puts. Today that ratio is even higher, at 215 as of 11:30 a.m. ET.

Trading is light so far and extreme values in the ISEE have a tendency to revert to the mean (146) as the day wears on, but coming on the heels of Friday’s high number, I believe the ISEE numbers should bear watching throughout the day.

For the record, the last time the ISEE equity call to put ratio was over 200 in a single session was back in the middle of May. At that time, the markets were just in the process of putting in a post-March top.

[source: International Securities Exchange]


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