Tuesday, February 27, 2007

VIX up 54% to 17.15

Percentage-wise, this is uncharted territory, in case anyone is wondering.

I'm buying VIX puts...


Anonymous said...

which month and which strike bill, any suggestions?

Profitable trading,

Trading Goddess said...

Good q's optionpundit! I am interested to see what Bill has to say on that.

Fontimama said...

at one point today, just today, VIX was up 100%!!! Yes, when the DOW went down 546pts, I could not believe I was looking at VIX up 100% on the day!! Hallelujah!

Trading Goddess said...


Was that when the computers were "glitched"?

Anonymous said...

yes, that was when the backup system did a fast computation on time-lagged data.

however, as other blogs are reporting, you might not have been able to clear your position at that 100% spike...

Anonymous said...

it was a beautiful day for me..and I know for some others as well..VIX March 18 calls I ahd highligted on feb 10...money 4times in just a few days and ...and double on dow yesterday...

I agree with Bill for the mean reversion of VIX...but what we need to look at not the abs VIX but the VIX futures as ell as the VIX options are on VIX futures not on VIX....

Bill suddenly u r in high demand, people are chasing you..where are you :)

Profitable trading,

Trading Goddess said...


It's his birthday today. ;)

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