Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guest Columnist for Steven Sears at Barron’s Today

Thanks to Steven Sears at Barron’s for giving me an opportunity to contribute to his excellent options column, The Striking Price Daily, while he is on vacation.

It should surprise very few readers that I elected to write about a subject that has garnered a great deal of attention on this blog, the CBOE S&P 500 Three-Month Volatility Index. Of course we just call it VXV here. The Barron’s column, Take a Longer View on Volatility, is available to subscribers and non-subscribers alike.


  1. Will be off to pick up a copy, very good Bill.

  2. The takeaway from today's (July 2) session is that while the SPX dropped almost 3%, the VIX increased only 6.6%. Should have been much more. Looks like market players weren't that interested in buying puts or selling calls, which means there may be a rebound soon.

  3. congrats...just don't abandon your blog! :)

  4. Congratulations Bill, some well deserved recognition of your
    work with the volatility index.

  5. Nice information provide by you.
    You are doing very well job! keep it up.

  6. Nice information provide by you.
    You are doing very well job! keep it up.

  7. wow congratulations for the opportunity you had

