Monday, March 22, 2010

Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal Launches Today

For those who may have missed it, today is the official launch of Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal. This electronic magazine will be published once per month on the Monday immediately following options expiration and is a collaborative effort involving five of the top options bloggers:

In the inaugural issue, one of my contributions is a section called Charting the Market, which includes a half dozen options-related charts and commentary. In a feature article, “The VIX ETNs: VXX and VXZ,” I examine VXX in detail. For those who wonder about the nature of the content, the introductory paragraph provides a concise summary:

“In the course of my conversations with a broad cross-section of investors, I cannot help but conclude that the popular VIX ETN, VXX, is probably the most misunderstood of all actively traded securities. In this article, I will attempt to look under the hood of VXX, explain how various factors impact the movement of VXX and offer some suggestions about how to approach trading VXX.”

For a more detailed post on Expiring Monthly, readers are encouraged to check out:

Those who are interested can subscribe to Expiring Monthly at a rate of $99 per year or visit for additional information.

Disclosures: I am one of the founders and owners of Expiring Monthly

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