Monday, September 7, 2009

Stock of the Week ‘Sequential Portfolio’ Update: +466%

I have received so many emails about my Stock of the Week ‘Sequential Portfolio’ that I have decided to start discussing this subject on a regular basis on the VIX and More Subscriber Newsletter Blog. For the record, the subscriber blog is open to all readers and does not require a subscription to access. In fact the main purpose of the subscriber blog is to provide highlights and selected updates from the subscriber newsletter for the benefit of the general public.

That being said, I have had many requests to describe how I pick the Stock of the Week (SOTW) selections and how I track the results, as well as to provide an archived list of all the SOTW picks going back to the launch of the newsletter.

Rather than address these issues here, I have decided to discuss them on the subscriber blog at Stock of the Week ‘Sequential Portfolio’ Up 466% Since 3/30/08 Launch.


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