Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Two Year Blogiversary

With all the excitement of the trading day, the VIX back up to 42.55 as I type this, and my share of technical issues (MyBlogLog, if would be nice if you could go back to tracking more than 20% of my traffic), I forgot that today is the two year anniversary of VIX and More.

Thanks to Adam Warner, Jim Kingsland, Barry Ritholtz and a host of others who offered their early encouragement back when I could count my visitors on my hands and toes.

For those who may be interested, the first post, VIX and More: An Introduction, still has some nuggets that are relevant for today’s market. My favorite post from that first month, however, is undoubtedly What My Dog Can Tell Us About Volatility.

Thanks to all who have made contributions of one kind or another to this effort over the course of the past two years.


  1. Three cheers for Bill!

  2. Congrats and thanks for all of the insight.

  3. Bill. Really enjoy your blog. Thanks and congrats.

  4. One of my favourite blogs. Good work.

  5. congrats, your frequent reader.


  6. Congrats and best wishes! May there be many, many more!

  7. I stumbled on you near the beginning and your site has been a must read ever since. Glad to see you didn't change to QID and More. I look forward to your posts on std dev's. Fishback's recent post on the bell curve is a keeper.

  8. Congrats Mr. Bill - you are a beacon of light in treacherous waters!!!

  9. Congrats - not an easy milestone to make it to!

  10. congrats! always appreciate the unique insight, keep up the great work. here's to a third year, cheers

  11. Major congratulations! I enjoy your unique perspective and analysis. Keep it up!
