Thursday, September 24, 2009

End of September Links

As always – and in an effort to ensure minimal overlap with some of the other excellent sources of links – I give preference to material that focuses on the VIX and volatility, options, market sentiment, and ETFs:

…and on an unrelated, but uplifting note: Project Icarus


  1. Bill, your tweet earlier in the day about SPX bottom. Could you elaborate on your thought process?

  2. A number of factors came together at about the same time, just as the S&P 500 index was crossing below 942, including (not necessarily in order):
    * strength (or the absence of continued weakness) in some key sectors, including small caps, tech and financials
    * technical support in the S&P 500 futures
    * some cycle timing factors I look at (but have not talked about on the blog)
    * volatility analysis
    * volume analysis
    * put to call ratio analysis
    * 'gut feel' from watching the tape

    None of these was decisive by itself, but taken together I though it was a good idea to get aggressively long under SPX 1042.

    There was some buying on the dip, but with today's weak finish I don't have a particularly strong conviction about Monday.

    Enjoy the weekend,

