Friday, July 10, 2009

Excellent New Options Blog:

In the blogging world, there are very few options blogs that I would consider a must read. Based on the first two posts, it looks as if Dean Mouscher’s blog is going to be added to that list.

What Is an Option Worth? is Mouscher’s first post. The post includes a 45 minute video dedicated almost exclusively to implied volatility and is one of the best videos I have seen on the subject – and almost certainly one of the top free options videos out there. The discussion of implied naturally evolves into a fairly detailed treatment of the forces that act upon the VIX, making this an excellent primer for the beginning options trader and a worthwhile review for intermediate options traders as well.

By all means, check out Mouscher’s blog and take the 45 minutes to hear what he has to say about implied volatility.

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    Thanks for the link. Is anyone else following the ETF VXX as a way to trade the vix? I believe there will be a major move.
