Friday, August 15, 2008

Blogroll Additions and Other VIX and More Changes

When I first started this blog, the reason was as much to create my own personal investment portal as anything else. As such, I have always spent a lot of time trying to shoehorn the best of a broad range of perspectives into my blogroll (“Blogs I Frequent”). Now that I have long since transitioned to subscribing to feeds, I do not keep the VIX and More blogroll as up to date as it should be. Recently I have pruned some blogs that appear to be inactive and have added several others that I can highly recommend:

In addition to the blogroll changes, I now have a total of four posts in a new section I have titled “VIX – Educational Posts”. See the upper right hand corner of the blog for more details. In the next week or so, I intend to add some new posts about implied volatility and historical volatility.

Also in the right hand column, I have added new section I am calling “Aggregator Communities Featuring VIX and More”. These sites republish some of what appears on this blog, but more importantly they do an excellent editorial job of culling what they consider to be some of the best posts from the top bloggers out there. I am pleased to be a regular contributor to each of these communities and encourage readers to test drive these sites.

Going forward, I have given some thought to how this blog might continue to evolve, including more of a global perspective, an emphasis on asset classes other than equities, increased commentary on macroeconomic issues and current events, etc. If readers have any suggestions about what they would like to see more of, this would be a good place to leave a comment.


  1. Thanks Bill. Keep up the good work yourself.

    Dave (

  2. And here's a big thank you from the MarketSci Blog as well. Keep doing everything you do Bill!

  3. Hi Bill,

    Less frequent posts, but always interesting. Thanks!


  4. The older I get and the more I am interested in income rather than capital expansion, the more I am intrigued by income producing assets of all kinds. Seeing what Bill Gross has done to open up the whole area of bonds (just one area for income) from tiny beginnings, I think one could add value to volatility studies by including bonds of all sorts to the mix of assets to analyze. Just a thought.

    But your regular issues do not lose any interest at all by becoming routine to you through time's repetition. Keep it up!
