Sunday, March 23, 2008

Subscriber Newsletter Coming Soon

After many requests to provide more details about my thinking vis-à-vis the markets in general and individual stocks in particular, I am preparing to launch a subscriber newsletter. Given the recent market turmoil and the considerable uncertainty about the path forward, this seems like as good a time as any to take this step.

Targeting many subject areas covered by the blog, the newsletter will focus more on market sentiment analysis and technical analysis than on broad macroeconomic issues and stock fundamentals. In truth, my investing approach includes all four elements, but I think the macroeconomic and fundamental aspects of the market are covered quite thoroughly already, whereas good information on TA and particularly market sentiment tend to be much more difficult to find.

I am currently considering two issues per week, as follows:

  • A Sunday issue will provide a review of the past week and my thinking on what to watch for in the coming week. I will include my outlook on a variety of asset classes as well as purchases and sales in three different model portfolios.

  • A Wednesday issue will be more of a features-based approach, but will consistently target sectors and industries, market sentiment, charts of interest, and reader questions.

The blog will remain active and I will continue to strive for high quality content here, but it would be safe to say that I intend to save some of what I consider to be my best thinking for the subscriber newsletter.

I encourage any feedback about the content, timing, or any other aspect of the newsletter. Feel free to speak up in the comments section below of e-mail me at


  1. I enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis as it offers a variety of different insights into the market. Also, I am interested in this newsletter but have 2 questions...

    Have you come up with a cost structure for the newsletter yet? Also, would you be publishing the newsletter on your blog with some lagtime or not at all?

  2. Hi AFAO,

    Thanks for the kind words. You do a nice job on your blog as well.

    Regarding the cost, I am leaning toward $30/mo. or $300/yr. and will probably have the details on cost and how to subscribe posted by tomorrow.

    With respect to delayed availability of the newsletter for non-subscribers, my intent is to repurpose some of the content on the blog from time to time, but not necessarily make available the full newsletter with a time lag. That being said, ultimately I will be making this up as I go along, so I can only declare my intent going in at this stage.

    I hope this helps. As always, all comments and input are appreciated.



  3. Hey Bill...

    Being a prudent investor, I'm not too keen on $300/yr for a brand new product. However, I'm also a big fan of your blog. As such, I'd offer up the following suggestion (somewhat derived from AFAO's question): what about posting one (or more) issues of the newsletter as it develops to give people a taste.


  4. Bill,

    How would I subscribe to your newsletter?

  5. For the record, the link to the subscriber newsletter details and sign-up is up in the upper right hand corner of this blog. Alternatively, you can follow this link to go directly the the VIX and More Subscriber Newsletter blog.



  6. Anon,

    Thanks for the suggestion about a sample. Once I have a few samples to choose from, I will make some sample content available.


