Friday, January 11, 2008

Scrolling Back…

I have had several requests to revive last year’s practice of periodically publishing links to some of my favorite recent posts from other blogs.

With the caveat that I have not been rigorous about bookmarking all of my favorites, here are some recent posts that I think may have some archival significance well beyond the day they were posted:


  1. Bill, thank you for the links.... very interesting and informative.

    Less informative, but possibly as interesting to some of your readers, is this "VIX"-related webpage:


  2. Hey Bill,
    Since i consider you the chart master is their a way you can keep a chart of the vix futures going 3-6 months out (from your futuressource link) and also overlay the actual VIX. Could be informative.

  3. Oh, the guy with the picture above me; I think I have seen him on the arm of A.J.C. recently. Her Boy Toy??


  4. She's got a boy toy, but it's not me. I don't have 2 C batteries.

  5. Regarding the VIX futures 3-6 months out, I'll try to periodically get a chart up that compares the cash VIX to those futures. Keep in mind that the VXV is the equivalent of the 93 day VIX.

    I confess that I have no idea who A.J.C. is...

  6. Thanks for the mention, Bill. The hard-working men and women at CSFB put together that graphic; I simply stole it. :)

    ~C. Maoxian
