Friday, April 27, 2007

CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge: #1280

You would think that a nice 2.2% gain (thank you GSIC) in addition to maxing out on the $3000 ‘bonus bucks’ trivia winnings would have served me well on a day in which the markets were essentially flat. That was not the case yesterday, as the AMZN bus rolled past me – just like the BIDU bus has done today – and I ended up dropping 20 places to #1280. One of these days, I need to catch a ride on that bus…

Thanks to these gains, my portfolio was up to $1.73 million coming in to the trading day, still good enough to keep me in the top 0.1% of the 1,382,297 contestants. It looks like I could be moving up a little today, perhaps even in to the top 1000, as I have all my chips on NetLogic Microsystems (NETL), whose positive earnings report has the stock up 7% at the moment, down from a 14% advance earlier this morning.

On the horn front, if old mono recordings of Dennis Brain are not your thing, try the more modern recordings of Barry Tuckwell. As luck would have it, he is responsible for what may be the second best recording of the Mozart Horn Concertos, but one that benefits from 1990 recording technology. In addition to the Mozart works, there are many other excellent Tuckwell recordings to choose from, including The Art of Barry Tuckwell, which is pictured at the right.


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