Sunday, March 11, 2007

Portfolio A1 Update for 3/11/07

As the graphic below indicates, Portfolio A1 is currently trailing the benchmark SPX return by 1.5%, in large part due to the performance of PCCC, which is down 14.6% since it was purchased as part of the initial group of five holdings on 2/20. In spite of the poor performance, PCCC continues to be the top rated stock in our portfolio, though it is likely that without some near-term buying support, the RSI component of our stock ranker will force a sale in the next week or two.

It should be noted that the one stock from the original group of five that has been sold, RIO, did bounce back 6.9% in the past week. The stock that replaced it, RKT, was up 3.9% in its first week in the portfolio. There are no changes to the portfolio this week.

The equity curve, which is starting to look suspiciously like a duck to me, continues to show a high beta performance.

Current portfolio details are as follows:


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