Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some VIX and More Updates and Changes

Just a quick note to highlights some recent updates and changes and flag another one that is coming down the pike.

In no particular order…

  1. Most readers have probably noticed that I have transitioned to the Disqus comment system for the blog. I did this for several reasons, but at the top of the list were the ability to have multiple threaded discussions under each post and my growing lack of patience with comment spam, which Disqus seems to do a good job with.

  2. As I have promised to do on a quarterly basis, I have recently provided performance updates and some brief commentary for the subscriber newsletter and the EVALS long/short approach to trading ETFs. For the most recent updates, including more on the Stock of the Week (up 529% in 18 months), try:
  3. Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that I have added a “Recommended Options Books” widget to the right hand column, just above the “VIX – Educational Posts” content area. The widget rotates four of my nine favorite options books. The full list can be found at Amazon: Favorite Options Books. Going forward, I will start reviewing options and other trading books.

  4. The need for easy access book recommendations (a frequent reader request via email) and other resources has persuaded me to expand the blog in order to incorporate much more ‘permanent’ content. My intent is to continue the blog in its current form, but augment it with easy to find permanent content areas that include a good deal of educational materials, groups of introductory posts on a variety of subjects, book reviews, links to a broad range of options and other investment resources, etc. I have no specific timetable, but the decision has finally been made in my head to move VIX and More from a quirky little corner of the blogosphere to more of a destination site covering options, market sentiment, ETFs and related subjects.

Thanks to all who have politely prodded me to beef up what I am offering. More – and better – content is coming…

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