Monday, December 22, 2008

Recognition for VIX and More

It is always nice to be acknowledged for the contributions you make, but it is particularly heartening when that recognition comes from a respected peer in the field. For that reason, I was pleased to see that Condor Options has included VIX and More in its list of the Top Finance Blogs of 2008.

The recognition is even more meaningful when I see the esteemed company this blog has on the list:

While these should all be familiar names to VIX and More readers, I do not believe I have yet featured the work of Ultimi Barbarorum on the blog. If so this omission is accidental, as Ultimi Barbarorum is a true thinking man’s blog in which the reader is treated to one side of the author’s ongoing dialogue with Baruch Spinoza. What could be a better way to pay tribute to the closet philosopher in all of us?

1 comment:

  1. The area around DJIA 8900 has been a strong resistance area since November tenth. The DJIA closed at 8871 on Nov 10th and the highs for Nov 11th, 12th, 14th and 28th were 8868, 8868, 8921 and 8829. The highs for December 1st, 8th, 9th, 10th, 16th and 18th were 8827, 9026, 8934, 8879, 8958 and 8883. Time will tell if the DJIA can penetrate this strong area of resistance.
