Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to All

When you are done with all the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie, consider some exercise.

The chart below, courtesy of the Mayo Clinic, spells out how much exercise it will take to burn off the gastronomic excesses of the day:

[source: Mayo Clinic]


  1. Most of these research data are wrong especially for aqueous activities. The energy lost from swimming is mostly from heat. That is why after swimming you feel more hungry than after any other exercises. mL

  2. This picture and a thousand words. source: fantastic picture Atilla

  3. Anon, I have some questions about some of these numbers, but that is the first I have heard about swimming, heat, and hunger. Interesting.

    Classic photo, Carlos. I love it!

  4. The tables doesn't include my favorite post prandial activity: lying down.

    I know I burn calories just by virtue of being alive, so I intend to rid my body of excess calories by lying down somewhat longer than usual.

  5. The minimum energy lost from a normal 75kg person is about 100W (100 Joules per second) without doing any exercise.

    When you sat in a lecture hall with another 200 students, you could feel the heat which was similar to a 20kW heater heating up the hall.

