Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Portfolio A1 Performance Update: 8/31/08

As previously promised, I am now providing a monthly performance update for Portfolio A1, which I launched live on the blog a little over 1 ½ years ago.

The chart below shows the equity curve and some summary performance statistics for Portfolio A1 since the equities only (no ETFs or options), long only portfolio was created on February 16, 2007. During the 18 ½ months since inception, Portfolio A1 has posted a cumulative return (exclusive of dividends) of 4.2%, while the benchmark S&P 500 index has declined 11.9%. This adds up to a net performance of +16.1% for the portfolio vs. the benchmark.

As of August 31, Portfolio A1’s holdings included: Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF); ENGlobal (ENG); Cash America (CSH); EnerSys (ENS); and Centene (CNC). For the record, Portfolio A1 also shares some common ancestry and has a stock ranking system that is similar to the VIX and More Focus Aggressive Trader model portfolio – one of the four model portfolios that I update transaction by transaction for the VIX and More subscriber newsletter.

As a reminder, Portfolio A1 was created with tools developed by Portfolio123.com and is managed via Portfolio123.com’s tool set. For more information on Portfolio123.com, please refer to an earlier post on the subject, Portfolio123.com: The Engine Behind Portfolio A1.

[source: Portfolio123.com]


  1. I enjoy your work Bill; very analytical and objective, both of which are are to find in the blogosphere these days. I have just added you to my blogroll. Quick question - are you happy with the Portfolio123 software? Does it calculated daily interest for cash balances? I am in the process of setting up a public portfolio, and so far I am just using xls to get the most control over things...but I love the stats that the software spits out for you. Thanks in advance for your time.


  2. Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the kind words and for including VIX and More on your blogroll.

    Regarding Portfolio123, I am a fan, but the site is not perfect. Regarding cash, there is no sweep function that applies any sort of interest for cash.

    Between the ranker, screener and simulator, there is a lot of value at P123, IMHO. Good luck with it and make sure you lurk and/or ask questions in the forums, where everyone is helpful.


