Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Return of David Altig and Macroblog

I was very much disappointed when David Altig decided to suspend posting at Macroblog. The good news is that Macroblog is back and the more interesting news is that Altig is now Senior Vice President and Director of Desearch at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

Altig describes the new role of Macroblog as follows:

“I originally launched macroblog in 2004 as an independent blog, but it will now be run through the Atlanta Fed on our Web site. Macroblog will feature commentary by me as well as other members of the Bank’s research department. The purpose of the blog is to help inform readers with commentary and observations on a variety of current economic topics, including monetary policy, macroeconomic developments, financial issues, and Southeast regional trends. I do need to emphasize that the views expressed in macroblog will not necessarily be those of the Atlanta Fed or the Federal Reserve System – feel free to quote me on that.”

His first policy-related post under the Atlanta FRB mantle is out today, with the title What the Fed Did During Macroblog’s Vacation.

If it isn’t already, be sure to put Macroblog on your required reading list.

Welcome back to the blogosphere, David.


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