Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Converging Milestones

After a little mini-vacation of sorts, I landed back in San Francisco just in time to miss Barry Bonds hit #756.

Now that I am back in my regular cockpit, I see that a couple of my own milestones are on deck.

The first of these is that according to Technorati, 98 blogs have linked to VIX and More in the seven months it has been up and running. Technorati's Authority number only looks back at a rolling six month period, so it may take a little longer for their official number to register triple digits, but I'll be counting down in the background with my own pro forma numbers.

The second milestone is the number of 'unique' visitors to the blog. There are many ways to count this and Sitemeter, whose widget I have on the blog, tends to be one of the more conservative visitor counters. Depending upon who is doing the counting, VIX and More has either recently surpassed 50,000 unique visitors or is just about to do so.

Finally, it is always nice to receive some subjective affirmation for some of the work I have put in and yesterday I received notice that VIX and More was ranked as one of the 'Top 100 Day Trading Blogs' at While I do not consider myself to be a day trader, any list on which I appear sandwiched between Adam Warner and Pete Stolcers is going to put a smile on my face.

Thanks to all who have supported this blog and contributed to it in one way or another.


  1. I'm one of your "50k club" members, Bill. Keep the great commentary comin'....let's get you to 6 figures. :-)


